Lotus Consultancy and Support

Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

This information is written in an easy to read way.


You can ask for help to read this document.


A friend, family member, support person or worker may also be able to help you.


What is this document for?

We need to know information about you to help and support you.

We may need to know personal information like:

• Your name

• Your date of birth

• Your address and phone number

• Information about your health

You may not want other people to know these things about you.


This document tells you what we can and can’t do with your information.


Your personal information

We need to know information about you so that we can help and support you.


When we need to know more about you we will ask for your permission to ask another person.


We will tell you who we need to ask and why.


We will only ask for things we need to know to support you.


Tell us if you want to know what information we have about you.


How we keep your information safe

All computer files with your information are protected by special programs that don’t let other people see them.


We will not talk about you with other people. We will only talk about you if you ask us to or give us permission.


We will not put your information on the internet, notice boards and other places where everyone can see it.


If you agree, we may take your photo and include it on our social media or website.


We will delete your information and destroy documents when we don’t need it anymore.


When do we have to tell others about you?

There are laws that make us report information about you if anything happens that may put you in danger.


We will have to report to the Police and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission if anything happens that may harm you or put you in danger or if you do anything that may harm others or put them in danger.


We will tell you and your family or support person when we have to report information about you.